Aligning competencies with roles



Welcome to Procurement & Supply Management Competency Mapping! Competency Mapping plays a vital role in selecting, recruitment, training & development. It aims at identifying key attributes and skills of individuals required to perform a task effectively and efficiently. In short Competency Mapping is a process for determining one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Please attempt all the questions and there is no negative scoring. Time allowed is 120 minutes.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Questions Toolkit:

All competency assessment questions used are of multiple choice type, with many options per question (labeled 1, 2, 3, etc.), only one of which is correct. The questions test at varying levels of difficulty or learning. These levels range from questions that require the mere recall of materials to questions that require an application of knowledge to the novel situation. Some questions test for comprehension. In such cases one has to recognize the principle demonstrated in the question-memory alone will not be sufficient for getting the correct answer.

Please attempt all the questions and there is no negative scoring. Time allowed is 120 minutes.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3