Global Certification
ISM-INDIA offer global certificate in the field of Procurement & Supply Management. This certificate sets you apart from your peers and can act as a demonstration of your knowledge and passion for your profession. With the increased complexity of the supply chain and globalization, supply chain certification is becoming a necessity in most organizations. The next decade belongs to Supply Chain Managers. This gets strengthened with recent reforms by the government. This is the tool to become competitive in the world.
The globally recognized CPSM designation is the premier supply management credential, the one all others are measured against. Built on an in-depth analysis of supply management functions across industries, the CPSM will identify you as someone with mastery of critical concepts in procurement and sourcing, negotiating, contracts, and leadership.Know More
International Diploma in SCM (IDSCM)
ITC is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN). Over the past seventeen years, the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Program of ITC, Geneva has helped train over 60,000 business managers in 75 countries. Executives learn to manage the sourcing, movement, and storage of goods from the source of production to point of consumption.
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