
Symposium: Welcome to the 7th Edition of P&C Symposium which is in its first-ever completely digital avatar. The flagship annual learning event of P&C Academy will continue from March 7th, 2022 to March 11th, 2022. The selected theme for this year is Future-Proofing for the New Normal emerging and evolving from business disruptions.

Welcome to the Grand Finale Quiz!

Time for Quiz: 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM: The quiz can be attempted any time between this slot of 2:30 hours. However, once you log in you should submit the quiz. The system will not allow you to log in again.

Duration: 30 minutes

Please follow the instructions given below if you are having trouble accessing the quiz.

  • Try to open the quiz link in a private window (Ctrl+Shift+N).
  • Delete cookies of your browser.
  • Recommended browser Goggle Chrome. 

The quiz is ended.