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Competency Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering data to determine what training needs exist so that it can be developed to help the organization & the participant in accomplishing its objectives. Conducting a Competency Test is fundamental to the success of a capacity development and training program.

Competency Assessment is a process where ISM-INDIA works with the participants to collect evidence of competence, using the benchmarks provided by analysis of supply chain management jobs at various levels in various companies worldwide. This calls for developing tests with a series of multiple-choice questions. These are designed to assess the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the candidates for various skill sets. The Tests are carefully researched and assessed to ensure that they are fair to all people sitting them.

Competency Cluster:

There are 6 competencies as below:

  • Strategic Procurement
  • E-Procurement
  • Finance Analysis including Cost & Price
  • Strategic Contract Management
  • Risk Management
  • Logistics Management

Competency Assessment Test

  • The Key points of the Competency Assessment Test:
  • CompetencyAssessment Test will be conducted online.
  • There will be 60 multiple-choice questions in each competency test.
  • The question will not be the same for everyone. However, everyone will get equal questions from each sub-competency.
  • The test duration will be 70 minutes.
  • The test window will be open for 4-5 hours.
  • There will be NO Negative Marking.
  • Each Question will carry equal weight.