We are pleased to inform that during the last few months, many of you have passed all the CPSM Exams based on the old syllabus. However, there are few who have still not completed all the exams or some exams.

As you are aware, the exams based on the old syllabus are no longer available (The Last date was 23 February 2019). As promised, we wish to sincerely help all the candidates, who have still not completed the CPSM Journey.

To help our friends, who have earlier procured the material through us, we are providing the following support.

1.   Comparative Table: This provides a comparison between new and old syllabus. It highlights the tasks under three colors. Blue color relates to those Tasks which are new additions. The Green Colour relates to minor changes and Block Colour cover those tasks with no changes between new syllabus and old syllabus. These have been developed separately for each exam.

2.   Supplementary Study Material: This covers all the tasks which are listed as blue in the above comparative tables.