Dear Friends:
We are pleased to inform about the virtual event, which was organized by ISM-INDIA on 24 September 2020 to launch PPPAI (Public Procurement Professional Association of India). It was attended by many experts in the field of Public Procurement from various public organizations and Ministry of Finance (GOI). The following experts shared their own insights & welcomed the idea to set up an Association which should encourage professionalization through networking and sharing of knowledge. The key officials who represented various stakeholders organizations are as follows:

  • Ms. Elmas Arisoy, Procurement Manager, South Asia Region, World Bank.
  • Mr. Bisma Husen, Principal Procurement Specialist, Asian Development Bank.
  • Mr. Shaun Lake, SME Trade Academy Manager, ITC Geneva.
  • Mr. Sanjay Agrawal, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
  • Mr. Alberto Ninio, Director General, Operational Services Department, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
  • Mr. Balasubramanian J, Procurement Specialist, New Development Bank (NDB).

Mr. Vinay Sharma, Global Director (Procurement), World Bank graced the occasion & launched PPPAI. We took this opportunity to cover an overview of activities and benefits offered by PPPAI will provide to its members. We invite all public procurement professional to join the Association. For For details click the PPPAI Membership Brochure.

Should you need additional information, you are welcome to contact us.

Thanks & Regards:

Krishan K. Batra
President & CEO.

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