Create Custom blog page or insert posts in any page as carousel or masonry blocks. Category ids can be filtered, means you can display posts from specific category or categories only. To start follow the steps bellow

1. Open the recent posts shortcode.
2. Select or fill in desired options

Category Id (optional)  :  Add ids of categories to filter, keep it blank for all categories (single or comma separated)
Number of item  :  Specify the number of recent posts to show.
Number of columns  :  Specify number of columns.
Show/hide item category labels  :  Show or hide category levels.
Show as carousel  : Show as carousel or masonry blocks

3 Column Carousel Example :


AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future

AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future The supply chain, the backbone of global trade, is undergoing a significant transformation fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). From optimizing inventory management<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | May 21, 2024

Mondelez’s Global Recipe for Climate Action

The Burning Platform: Why Net Zero Matters More Than EverOur planet’s rapid warming, driven by fossil fuel reliance, yields severe consequences like wildfires and floods. To avert mass extinctions and dire impacts,<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | Dec 28, 2023

Global Sourcing Success: Essential Strategies

In our interconnected world, businesses are expanding their horizons to procure goods and services beyond their borders. Global sourcing presents a myriad of benefits, such as cost savings, access to diverse suppliers,<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | Dec 28, 2023

2 Column 4 Posts Masonry with pagination Example :


AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future

AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future The supply chain, the backbone of global trade, is undergoing a significant transformation fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). From optimizing inventory management<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | May 21, 2024
1 2 3 11

3 Column 6 Item Masonry Example :


AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future

AI Revolutionizes the Supply Chain: A Glimpse into the Future The supply chain, the backbone of global trade, is undergoing a significant transformation fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). From optimizing inventory management<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | May 21, 2024

Mondelez’s Global Recipe for Climate Action

The Burning Platform: Why Net Zero Matters More Than EverOur planet’s rapid warming, driven by fossil fuel reliance, yields severe consequences like wildfires and floods. To avert mass extinctions and dire impacts,<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | Dec 28, 2023

Global Sourcing Success: Essential Strategies

In our interconnected world, businesses are expanding their horizons to procure goods and services beyond their borders. Global sourcing presents a myriad of benefits, such as cost savings, access to diverse suppliers,<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : ISM-INDIA | Dec 28, 2023

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